Monday, August 29, 2011

Eyebrow Razors

I hate plucking my eyebrows. It takes time and it hurts. And sometimes you pluck too much, or not how you intended to, and your mom calls you Jack Nicholson. Not that that's ever happened to me *shifty glance*. So when I noticed there was a thing called "Eyebrow Razors," and those things were two in a pack at The Dollar Tree, I thought, "Why not?"

I tried them twice. While it was a lot easier, quicker and manageable than plucking, there are two major drawbacks to eyebrow shaving that made me stick with tweezing:

1. There is no way to use shaving cream and know where you are going (that I can tell), so you have to shave dry, or moist.

Both of the above facts were very irritating- literally. Where I shaved was red the night after I did it and sore the next day. I had to put antibiotic ointment on under my eyeshadow the next day, it was that raw. I have sensitive skin, and the razors may not have been the sharpest on the block, but regardless, the stubble sealed the deal. AAARRRGGGHHH THE ITCHING! You do not want itchy eyebrows, trust me, especially when you are stressed at work and sweating.

This purchase was a bust for me. But do not lose hope, for I have ALTERNATIVE USE ideas!

1. I am into crafting with polymer clay, and though I have not tried it yet and can not say if it works, an eyebrow razor would probably make a great detailer/texturer, and depending how cleanly it cuts, a nice slicer.
2. This would be great for shaving off trouble hairs you don't want to pluck, or as a last minute effort. Examples include the stray hairs on your great aunt's chinny chin chin. I tried it on my least favorite hairs- mole hairs!- but again, I'd rather pluck than shave those in the long run.

Plucking up next!

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