Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"Benadryl" allergy liquid

If I ever have more than a mild allergic reaction, I reach for the liquid Benadryl. It is the fastest acting, most effective medicine to stop constant sneezing/itching/hives in their tracks. And The Dollar Tree brand does just a good of a job as any other diphenhydramine liquid. I've only had my allergies act up really bad a few times, but it is a pain to have to go to the store during an allergy attack and buy the stuff. It seems like I am never at home when it happens, so I plan to keep one in my car (I have this whole emergency basket idea that I will complete- SOMEDAY). As mentioned in the previous post, Benadryl makes me sleepy, and because I also have had to go somewhere and do something when I get the attacks (meeting, work, class), I am going to stick a caffeinated pop in along with it. It's labeled for children, so it's also good for them.

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